What is a Virtual CTO?
CTO principally manages adaptation of latest technologies related to business requirements i.e. IT Infrastructure, Web design, Promotional Activities, Process Management and Security Policy and Implementation, etc. A CTO is more likely to be the primary representative of these technology related concerns at the executive level on behalf of the organization.
How to know if you need a Virtual CTO?
Hiring an in-house CTO (chief technology officer) can be an additional cost for small- and medium-size organization’s. Nowadays organization’s can obtain the same level of expertise from an Outsourced Technology Executive / Consultant.
If you think your business might benefit from an outsourced consultant, See If your business is facing the following challenges.
- Your organization is unable to keep up with the changing demands of technology.
- Technology issues in the office are becoming daily problem.
- Your company is unable hire an in-house staff member to manage your IT Resources.
- You think your IT is important and needs professional help rather than quick fixes from local support.
- Your existing IT Support is not efficient enough to manage and enhance your IT Infrastructure as per your needs.
- You are still working with old Software, Applications, old fashioned website, etc.
If your answer was ‘yes’ to one or more of these questions, then an outside Professional IT executive could be beneficial to your business.
Services offered by a Virtual CTO
- The primary role of a Chief Technology Officer in any organization is to oversee the existing Technology and Plan, Maintain and Report on the activities and manage technology requirements of the business.
- Participate in Management Decisions
- Help you planning Technology Strategy
- Oversee Research and Development
- Keep you update with Latest Technology, Standards and Compliance Regulations
- Safeguards an organization’s private data and optimizing business processes.
How we do it for you?
Our CTO services are specific business based and is execution focused. We manage, oversee & execute the complete IT Infrastructure, IT Compliance and reporting function and provide day-to-day oversight, mentoring and support to the client’s team and management.
We will follow some procedures below
- Evaluate current network infrastructure, including client/staff needs and business goals,
- To determine what hardware needs to be added or replaced
- Evaluate and manage current technology assets
- Develop a technology upgrade plans for the organization
- Ensure that IT infrastructure is well-planned and effectively managed
- Provide assistance with decision-making on all technology-related matters
- Develop Security Policies for Technology Users.
- We will help you upgrade your Office Automation Process ie. Application Software Used, Website Up-gradation, Technology Upgradation keeping your financial budgets in control.